How To Interpret Dreams Correctly
Three to five dreams per night are common. Dreams can last several minutes. Night dreams are often forgotten when we get up in the morning. Some are retained in the mind for a long period of time. How should they be interpreted? The meaning of dreams is often associated with current circumstances and lucid wishes and fears.
Modern psychology has a lot to offer in the area of dream interpretation. Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud have already begun to pay attention. Freud believed dreams were the result of everyday conflicts. Jung thought dreams were the key to understanding the human soul and that the dreams are a symbol for deep-seated desires.
Psychological approach to dream interpretation
Man has been interested in dreams since ancient times. They were believed to have magical abilities and play an important role in the lives of many people. Then the first dream books appeared, on the basis of which attempts were made to find out the meaning of dreams. This interpretation was based upon the identification of duplicate characters. Many of them coincide in meaning in dream books of different cultures. Most people today don't pay much attention to dreams. They do not use dream books to find the meaning.
The psychology of dreams has been and continues to attribute great importance to them, and takes them very seriously. Freud's famous "Introduction to Psychoanalysis" included his thoughts. His interpretation of dreams was rather superficial, he associated all dreams with problems of a sexual nature. The student Jung also dealt with the problem of dreams, but his approach was completely different. He believed that dreams are a kind of pointer, indicating the direction of action that people should take. He noticed certain symbols in the fantasies, which he believed were repeated by many people regardless of their age or culture.

What are the foundations of dream interpretation?
To interpret dreams correctly, one must be able to relate them to our current situation. A general online dream book may not give us comprehensive information. Different symbols may mean different things depending on what they are usually associated with. The interpretation of dreams should be based on knowledge of emotions and experiences. It is important to consider the context. You should go beyond standard thinking and try to look at your dreams as an observer.
The meaning of dreams and their analysis
The interpretation of dreams can help us understand our fears and desires better. The interpretation of one dream is not enough to reveal all the secrets. This raises the question: how can we remember our fantasies? Start with a journal in which you will regularly record your dreams. Although the description doesn't have to be long, it should contain the main message as well as information about key characters and events. Keep a notebook next to your bed so that you can jot down the memorized passages right after waking up.
We will soon notice that our dreams are becoming more vivid and we can recall more of them so that we can understand their meaning. Interpretation should begin by identifying recurring elements and those that grab our attention. In the next step, we check what emotions are awakening in our dreams and what they mean to us.
The context should extend to past or present events and experiences. It's also worthwhile to write down your findings and return them within a few days.
For additional information about he meaning of dreams check our new webpage.